Hacking NSS
Using NSS from Pluto
use lsw_nss_error*() to report errors
It includes both the error symbol name and the error message (the former is really useful when reading the code^D^D^D^D documentation when tracking down why the error was returned).
Debugging NSS
Linking libreswan against a custom NSS build
Building and Installing a Custom NSS RPMs
Below are notes on building the latest Fedora RPM on the build machine.
Build Custom NSS RPM ...
... using fedpkg local and a KVM
Here, we use the build machine (it has lots of memory and network access) and the 9p mounted directory /pool (aka $(KVM_POOLDIR), but /testing and /root should also work). Just remember that any changes to build aren't permanent, we'll get to that later.
First lets set things up:
$ ./kvm sh build build# cd /pool build# dnf install -y fedpkg build# cat /etc/fedora-release Fedora release 32 (Thirty Two) build# fedpkg clone --branch f32 --anonymous nss build# cd nss build# dnf builddep nss
Next is to hack xmlto so that it doesn't try to preserve permissions when copying files within the 9p file system (remember, ./kvm uninstall install will wipe this):
build# sed -i -e 's/ -p / /' \ /usr/share/xmlto/format/docbook/man \ /usr/share/xmlto/format/docbook/html
optionally, hobble tests during the build:
build# sed -i -e 's/bcond_without tests/bcond_with tests/' nss.spec
finally build (something better?):
build# fedpkg local --without tests:
build# fedpkg prep --without tests build# fedpkg compile --short-circuit --without tests
... using fedpkg mock and the Fedora host
Hmm, something goes here!
fedpkg mock-config fedpkg mockbuild
Making the Custom NSS RPs Stick
Distribute Custom NSS RPMs
For legal reasons, tar up both the .rpm and .srpm files into a single archive and make that available - it forces whoever is using the RPMs to also download the sources.