IKEv1 XAUTH with FreeOTP and FreeIPA
Libreswan's IKE daemon pluto can use pam for XAUTH authentication (xauthby=pam). One Time Passwords (OTP) can be supported via pam directives. The following example is for using FreeOTP. When using the commands below, the proper pam files will be created for libreswan to use. This example is based on RHEL7 with Red Hat Identity Management using FreeIPA. It assumes the VPN server and the VPN client are part of the same FreeIPA / Kerberos domain.
Create the vpn user and set a temporary initial password. Then change the password to a permanent one:
ipa user-add player1 ipa passwd player1 kinit player1
Now kinit back to admin, and run 'ipa user-mod' to enable otp auth for the user:
kinit admin ipa user-mod player1 --user-auth-type=otp
An OTP token must be created and associated with a user that will be the owner of the token. For both UI and CLI methods, a QR code is displayed when the token is created succesfully. Launch the FreeOTP app on the device and scan the QR code to enable the token.
ipa otptoken-add --type=HOTP --desc=playertoken1 --owner=player1 --algo=sha256 --digits=6
The libreswan server should first be joined to the IPA domain. Use ipa-client-install to do this. See Installing the IPA Client for more information about joining the domain. In order for libreswan to use OTP through PAM, sssd_pam authentication must be included in the PAM stack. The ipa-client-install process will do this for you by default, and there are no other modifications to PAM necessary.
Ensure that the IPA user is resolved and able to log in through SSH using their password+OTP.
getent passwd player1 ssh player1@vpnserver
The following is an example configuration of /etc/ipsec.conf for the VPN server:
config setup protostack=netkey virtual_private=%v4:,%v4:,%v4:,%v4:,%v4:! conn vpn-clients # left is the server left= leftsubnet= leftxauthserver=yes leftmodecfgserver=yes # right is the client right=%any rightid=@groupname rightxauthclient=yes rightmodecfgclient=yes rightaddresspool= modecfgpull=yes authby=secret xauthby=pam ikev2=no rekey=no auto=add
When using PSK instead of RSA/certificates, also add the PSK into /etc/ipsec.secrets:
@groupname %any : PSK "grouppassword"
An example client configuration for the above server would be:
conn vpnserver # left is the server left= leftsubnet= leftxauthserver=yes leftmodecfgserver=yes # right is the client right=%defaultroute rightid=@groupname rightxauthclient=yes rightmodecfgclient=yes rightxauthusername=player1 # right is client-side modecfgpull=yes authby=secret xauthby=pam ikev2=no rekey=no auto=add
And for PSK create the same /etc/ipsec.secrets as the one listed above for the server.
Now you can connect using the CLI tool on the vpn client:
ipsec start ipsec auto --up vpnserver
This will look like:
root@client ~]# ipsec auto --up privnet 002 "privnet" #1: initiating Main Mode 104 "privnet" #1: STATE_MAIN_I1: initiate 003 "privnet" #1: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection] 003 "privnet" #1: received Vendor ID payload [FRAGMENTATION] 003 "privnet" #1: received Vendor ID payload [XAUTH] 003 "privnet" #1: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947] 002 "privnet" #1: enabling possible NAT-traversal with method RFC 3947 (NAT-Traversal) 002 "privnet" #1: transition from state STATE_MAIN_I1 to state STATE_MAIN_I2 106 "privnet" #1: STATE_MAIN_I2: sent MI2, expecting MR2 003 "privnet" #1: NAT-Traversal: Result using RFC 3947 (NAT-Traversal) sender port 500: no NAT detected 002 "privnet" #1: transition from state STATE_MAIN_I2 to state STATE_MAIN_I3 108 "privnet" #1: STATE_MAIN_I3: sent MI3, expecting MR3 002 "privnet" #1: Main mode peer ID is ID_IPV4_ADDR: '' 002 "privnet" #1: transition from state STATE_MAIN_I3 to state STATE_MAIN_I4 004 "privnet" #1: STATE_MAIN_I4: ISAKMP SA established {auth=PRESHARED_KEY cipher=aes_256 integ=sha group=MODP1536} 040 "privnet" #1: privnet prompt for Password: Enter passphrase: 002 "privnet" #1: XAUTH: Answering XAUTH challenge with user='player1' 002 "privnet" #1: transition from state STATE_XAUTH_I0 to state STATE_XAUTH_I1 004 "privnet" #1: STATE_XAUTH_I1: XAUTH client - awaiting CFG_set 002 "privnet" #1: XAUTH: Successfully Authenticated 002 "privnet" #1: transition from state STATE_XAUTH_I0 to state STATE_XAUTH_I1 004 "privnet" #1: STATE_XAUTH_I1: XAUTH client - awaiting CFG_set 002 "privnet" #1: modecfg: Sending IP request (MODECFG_I1) 005 "privnet" #1: Received IPv4 address: 005 "privnet" #1: Received IP4 NETMASK 002 "privnet" #1: transition from state STATE_MODE_CFG_I1 to state STATE_MAIN_I4 004 "privnet" #1: STATE_MAIN_I4: ISAKMP SA established 002 "privnet" #2: initiating Quick Mode PSK+ENCRYPT+TUNNEL+PFS+DONT_REKEY+UP+XAUTH+MODECFG_PULL+IKEV1_ALLOW+SAREF_TRACK+IKE_FRAG_ALLOW {using isakmp#1 msgid:8272c01d proposal=defaults pfsgroup=OAKLEY_GROUP_MODP1536} 117 "privnet" #2: STATE_QUICK_I1: initiate 002 "privnet" #2: transition from state STATE_QUICK_I1 to state STATE_QUICK_I2 004 "privnet" #2: STATE_QUICK_I2: sent QI2, IPsec SA established tunnel mode {ESP=>0x564532aa <0x6f1f5941 xfrm=AES_128-HMAC_SHA1 NATOA=none NATD=none DPD=passive XAUTHuser=player1} [root@client ~]#
You can confirm the tunnel as well using:
ipsec whack --trafficstatus